Speeding up a slow Windows PC

Speeding up a slow PC

Removing files
1: Remove unwanted programs via Control panel / add remove programmes, think about removing out of date security programs as some can significantly slow down your pc, there are many great alternatives available which i've listed right at the bottom of this document.

2: Empty the trashcan on the desktop (right click for options)

3: Run Disk Cleanup utility which is supplied with windows by either selecting the start menu, run, and type cleanmgr.exe

4: Recommended: For further cleaning install CCleaner from http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner  Choose to backup the registry when prompted.  This can remove temp files, cookies and tidy up the registry.

Once all the unwanted programs and temp files have been removed you should defragment the hard disk so all the data present is pushed together so the read times are minimised, as below:

Speeding up data reading
To use the built in Windows defragmentation utility go to My computer, right click on the c:\ drive, and select system tools, or start, run dfrgui.exe.  There is a much better defragmentation utility which can be downloaded from http://www.piriform.com/defraggler which performs much faster.

If still running slow
Purchase more memory for your pc, these are usually very easy to fit, I would recommend http://www.crucial.com/uk/

Optimise your temp data storage area:  Optimised pagefile / swapfile guide

Additional software links:
Microsoft security essentials or http://www.avast.com – replace your existing anti virus check with this free one
AD Aware Free Internet Security - Anti Virus and Anti Spyware
ZoneAlarm firewall - Firewall for all Windows pc's (windows 7 and Vista already has good firewall built in)

For automating the above tasks a good guide is located at